Event: Operational Readiness Assessment – Boat. Audit completed with Coast Guard Boat “Sean A. Dunne” and crew maintained on the CG operations centre tasking board.
Sat 2 Sept
Exercise: Portrane - Cliff Training Exercise based on scenario off walker falling off cliff path to rocks below. Boat exercise also conducted along the North Dublin coastline.
Thu 7 Sept – Sun 10 Sept
Incident 69/17
Details: Missing Person reported in Malahide area.
Assets Tasked: AGS (Malahide & Air Support), CG (Howth), CG (Skerries), CG Heli R116 (Dublin), Civil Defence (Dublin).
Outcome: Detailed shoreline searches carried out at low tide. Search is ongoing.
Fri 8 Sept
Incident 70/17
Details: Missing Person reported in Howth Area (unrelated to above incident).
Assets Tasked: AGS (Howth), CG (Howth), CG Heli R116 (Dublin)
Outcome: Person located by Gardai shortly after search began.
Sat 9 Sept
Incident 71/17
Details: Boat requesting assistance entrance to Dublin Port.
Outcome: Unit passing location assisted.