Earlier in the day a two year old child on Dollymount beach with a suspected broken leg was assisted. The child and a parent was transferred to hospital by HSE ambulance.
Incidents 33/16 and 34/16
Last night at 21.14 Howth Coast Guard were tasked to a report of a person having fallen from the cliff path near Casana rock. The unit responded along with both RNLI Howth lifeboats. In a difficult operation a person was recovered to the inshore lifeboat from the base of the cliff by Coast Guard and Lifeboat crews. They were transferred to the lifeboat station in the harbour where a HSE ambulance was waiting.
Earlier in the day a two year old child on Dollymount beach with a suspected broken leg was assisted. The child and a parent was transferred to hospital by HSE ambulance. Incidents 33/16 and 34/16 Today at 13.08 Howth Coast Guard were requested to go to the Baily lighthouse area to assist National Ambulance Service paramedics on scene in recovering a casualty to their ambulance.
A person had sustained a lower leg injury while walking on the cliff path. Coast Guard Helicopter Rescue 116 was also tasked to the scene. The Howth CG station rescue boat 'Sean A Dunne' was exercising in Dublin bay and proceeded to the area to assist if required. On arrival members of the ground unit transported the casualty in the Coast Guard cliff stretcher to the lighthouse access road where the ambulance was waiting. The helicopter was not required and was stood down. Incident 32/16 This morning the Irish Coast Guard operations centre were alerted to a 999 call of a female faller on the cliffs on Howth Head. It appeared the casualty went away from the cliff path and fell down 30 feet.
Both the local Coast Guard Cliff Rescue unit and Coast Guard Helicopter Rescue 116 were tasked and were quickly on scene. The casualty had sustained a leg injury and as a precaution was treated for potential spinal injuries; she was winched aboard Rescue 116 and taken to Dublin Airport for further transfer to Beaumont Hospital. Walkers are reminded to stay on the cliff path and not wander away from the path close to the cliff edge. If the public see someone who maybe putting themselves in danger alert the Coast Guard at 112 or 999. Incident 31/16 On Saturday the 14th of May the unit marked the 2nd anniversary of the passing of our colleague Sean Dunne; Sean was a long serving member of the unit until his sudden passing in 2014.
We were honoured with his family's support to have the opportunity to name the Coast Guard boat based on station in Howth after Sean. A short ceremony was held for Sean’s family, friends and members of the local emergency services. Sean’s wife Katrina said a few words outlining the commitment Sean had made to the Irish Coast Guard and how it was such a significant part of his life and their life. 2am the pager sounds Not known what is to be found A long night of rescue is ahead Maybe not making it back to bed Early hours returning to base Call is over but the ropes they need a new face Finally as dawn starts to break the work is done You get to go home to see the rising son Though you may now wander new lands We will never forget your hands Rest now on that cloud For you have made us proud Date: Friday 13th May
Time: 09:00 Incident: 29/2016 The Irish Coast Guard operation centre tasked the Howth RNLI inshore lifeboat and Howth Coast Guard to reports of a body in the water in Howth harbour. The lifeboat recovered the body to the shore. Rest in Peace. Date: Monday 16th May Time: 18:00 Incident: 30/2016 The lifeboat crew came across a Kayaker on the shore who had fallen in the water earlier off Howth. Coast Guard NMOC were informed and Howth Coast Guard were also tasked. The casualty was taken by ambulance to hospital suffering from hypothermia. Date: Sunday 8th May
Time: 13:00 Incident: 27/2016 Yesterday afternoon the Irish Coast Guard were alerted to concerns for a diver who was at the slip at Howth Harbour, Co Dublin. The unit in Howth were tasked and were quickly on scene. On arrival the team were met with a male diver in his 40s who had experienced a rapid ascent while returning to the surface from 15 meters depth. With the possibility of decompression sickness the Coast Guard team provided medical assistance until the arrival of an ambulance. The casualty was taken to Beaumont Hospital where his condition is stable. Date: Sunday 8th May Time: 17:00 Incident: 28/2016 The team were tasked along with Howth RNLI to a May Day call from a boat off Malahide. A Coast Guard unit on scene identified the craft which was now under tow by a launch boat from Malahide Marina. The RNLI crew spoke to the vessel and were comfortable no further assistance was required. Howth Coast Guard were tasked today at 15.45 to assist Gardai in the search for a missing person they had concern for.
The search unit responded along with the Howth Coast Guard boat which was on the water training at the time. While searching the coastline at Balscadden the boat spotted a person matching the description given. The boat directed a land search crew to the location where they confirmed it was the person concerned . The search was stood down. Incident 26/16 On 22nd April the team was tasked to investigate a report of a flare seen in the Dollymount beach area. The team conducted a search with nothing to report. Incident 25/16 |
Call 112 and Ask For Coast GuardIf you think somebody is in difficulty on the coast / cliff / beach / sea then dial 112 and ask for COAST GUARD.
Our team of 25 volunteers based at Howth Harbour provide 24/7 on-call coverage and have specialised training to respond to local coastal emergencies in their own locality. |