Earlier in the day a two year old child on Dollymount beach with a suspected broken leg was assisted. The child and a parent was transferred to hospital by HSE ambulance.
Incidents 33/16 and 34/16
Last night at 21.14 Howth Coast Guard were tasked to a report of a person having fallen from the cliff path near Casana rock. The unit responded along with both RNLI Howth lifeboats. In a difficult operation a person was recovered to the inshore lifeboat from the base of the cliff by Coast Guard and Lifeboat crews. They were transferred to the lifeboat station in the harbour where a HSE ambulance was waiting.
Earlier in the day a two year old child on Dollymount beach with a suspected broken leg was assisted. The child and a parent was transferred to hospital by HSE ambulance. Incidents 33/16 and 34/16 |
Call 112 and Ask For Coast GuardIf you think somebody is in difficulty on the coast / cliff / beach / sea then dial 112 and ask for COAST GUARD.
Our team of 25 volunteers based at Howth Harbour provide 24/7 on-call coverage and have specialised training to respond to local coastal emergencies in their own locality. |