Wed Jan 10
Incident 05/18 Details: Request from AGS to assist with Cardiac Arrest. Location: Howth Village. Assets Tasked: CGU IRT (Howth), Dublin Fire Brigade Outcome: Personnel from CG assisted DFB paramedics with resuscitation. Sadly the person died at the scene, Rest in Peace. Wed-Sat Jan 10 – 13 Event: Personnel attended a joint ECAS/ Coast Guard stand at the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition at the RDS. Thu 11 Jan Event: Presentation on Water Safety made to TY students from local area at Howth Yacht Club. Sat Jan 20 Exercise: Two hikers recovered by stretcher from path in Deer Park. Thurs Jan 24 Incident 06/18 Details: Car entered the Water. Location: Howth Harbour Assets Tasked: CGU (Howth), CG R116 (Dublin), RNLI ILB (Howth), Dublin Fire Brigade, NAS, AGS, Garda Water Unit, Harbour Authorities. Outcome: Car was removed from the water and a body recovered. Rest in Peace. Thanks to Howth Yacht Club for their support during the incident. Mon Jan 01
Incident 01/18 Details: Report of swimmer in distress Location: Malahide Assets Tasked: CGU (Howth), CG R116 (Dublin), DFB, NAS Outcome: Person transferred to ambulance. Sat Jan 06 Incident 02/18 Details: Report of waves breaking on walkers. Location: East Pier, Howth Assets Tasked: CGU IRT (Howth) Outcome: Public advised of dangers, watch maintained until tide dropped. Sun Jan 07 Incident 03/18 Details: Report of swimmer in difficulty Location: Portmarnock Beach Assets Tasked: CG Boat (Howth), CG R116 (Dublin), RNLI ILB, AGS Outcome: Swimmer taken to hospital by CG Rescue 116. Tue Jan 09 Incident 04/18 Details: Report of person in difficulty off coast. Location: Howth Rd/ Kilbarrack Rd junction. Assets Tasked: CGU (Howth), Dublin Fire Brigade Outcome: Member of the public assisted the person ashore, treated by DFB and CG personnel before being transferred to hospital. Well done to the member of the public who assisted the person safely ashore. Wed Dec 20
Wed Oct 25 Incident 86/17 Details: Report of person trapped on cliffs – Balscadden Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI (Howth) Outcome: Person located and assisted to safety. Incident 87/17 Details: Prepare Helicopter Landing Site – Beaumont Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth) Outcome: Stood down on route. Exercise: Cliff Rescue Training – Baily Lighthouse. Fri Oct 27 Incident 88/17 Details: Report of boat in difficulty in Malahide Estuary. Assets Tasked: AGS (Malahide), CG IRT (Howth) Outcome: False Alarm Good Intentions. Sun Oct 29 Incident 89/17 Details: Flare sighting – Howth. Assets Tasked: AGS (Howth), CG IRT (Howth) Outcome: No vessels in difficulty noted. Possibly malicious firing of flares. |
Mon 16 Oct Incident 83/17 Details: Storm Ophelia .
Sat 21 Oct Incident 84/17 Details: Concern for public walking East Pier during storm conditions. Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth) Outcome: CG personnel maintained watch and advised public of dangers until tide dropped. Sun 22 Oct Incident 85/17 Details: Helicopter Landing - Beaumont Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth), CG R116, NAS Outcome: Helicopter inbound with patient. Site secured for landing and take off. |
Thur 12 Oct Incident 80/17 Details: Concern from member of the public for group of people on Cliffs at Balscadden, Howth Head. Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth) Outcome: Unit investigated and met the group making their way back to cliff path. Fri 13 Oct Incident 81/17 Details: Concern for Kite Surfer – Dollymount Beach. Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth) Outcome: Unit investigated, KS returned to shore safely. Sat 14 Oct Exercise: Cliff Rescue Training - Howth Head. Sat 14 Oct Incident 82/17 Details: Concern for Paddle Boarder – Portmarnock Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth) Outcome: Unit investigated, Paddle Boarder returned safely to shore. |
Wed 04 Oct Exercise: Search Team – Missing Person Scenario & Casualty Evacuation – Howth Cliffs. Boat – Close Maneuver Training within Howth Harbour. Sat 07 Oct Incident 77/17 (Part 2) Details: Car spotted off Cliff Path in precarious position. Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth), Outcome: Unit attended. False alarm, good intentions. Linked to incident 77/17. Sat 07 Oct Details: Investigate Seal in Distress, local request by member of public. Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth) Outcome: Nothing to Report. Sat 07 Oct Incident 78/17 Details: Kite Surfer in Difficulty. Request for assistance on scene from Dublin Fire Brigade. Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth) Outcome: KS self recovered to the beach. Sat 07 Oct Incident 79/17 Details: Fisherman suffered knee injury on trawler. Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth), DFB. Outcome: DFB and CG personnel treated casualty and evacuated to waiting ambulance. |
Sat 23 Sept 17:00
Incident 75/17
Details: Concern for fisherman – Claremont Beach
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth),
Outcome: Unit attended. False alarm, good intentions.
Sat 30 Sept 14:00
Incident 76/17 (1 of 2)
Details: Report of yacht requiring assistance with Navigation - Dublin Bay.
Assets Tasked: CG Boat (Howth), CG (Dun Laoghaire), AGS (Dun Laoghaire), Port Police (Dun Laoghaire)
Outcome: CG crew boarded yacht and brought it safely to Dun Laoghaire harbour. CG personnel reminded the skipper about navigation rules at sea and safety awareness.
Sun 1 Oct 02:00
Incident 77/17
Details: Car left upper Cliff road, driver trapped on cliffs.
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), Dublin Fire Brigade, AGS
Outcome: Full Cliff team call out. Driver was assisted to safety. DFB ambulance transferred to hospital.
Sun 1 Oct 15:00
Incident 76/17 (2 of 2)
Details: Report of yacht requiring assistance with Navigation - Dublin Port.
Assets Tasked: CG Boat (Howth), CG (Dun Laoghaire), AGS (Irishtown), Port Police (Dublin Port)
Outcome: Yacht moved to safe position within Dublin Port.
Incident 75/17
Details: Concern for fisherman – Claremont Beach
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth),
Outcome: Unit attended. False alarm, good intentions.
Sat 30 Sept 14:00
Incident 76/17 (1 of 2)
Details: Report of yacht requiring assistance with Navigation - Dublin Bay.
Assets Tasked: CG Boat (Howth), CG (Dun Laoghaire), AGS (Dun Laoghaire), Port Police (Dun Laoghaire)
Outcome: CG crew boarded yacht and brought it safely to Dun Laoghaire harbour. CG personnel reminded the skipper about navigation rules at sea and safety awareness.
Sun 1 Oct 02:00
Incident 77/17
Details: Car left upper Cliff road, driver trapped on cliffs.
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), Dublin Fire Brigade, AGS
Outcome: Full Cliff team call out. Driver was assisted to safety. DFB ambulance transferred to hospital.
Sun 1 Oct 15:00
Incident 76/17 (2 of 2)
Details: Report of yacht requiring assistance with Navigation - Dublin Port.
Assets Tasked: CG Boat (Howth), CG (Dun Laoghaire), AGS (Irishtown), Port Police (Dublin Port)
Outcome: Yacht moved to safe position within Dublin Port.
Sat 23 Sept Exercise: Search training carried out in Malahide & Sutton areas. Exercise: ATV Training – Portlaoise. Sun 24 Sept Incident 74/17 Details: Report of sighting of suspicious object in water requiring identification – Malahide Estuary Outcome: False Alarm Good Intention. Ongoing. Details: Missing Person reported in Malahide area.. Outcome: Detailed shoreline searches carried out at low tide. Search is ongoing |
Wed 13 Sept Exercise: Scenario – Calls for help heard on Howth Cliffs. Shore teams searched cliff path, Boat team searched from the water. Two casualties extracted. Thurs 14 Sept Incident 72/17 Details: Heli Landing – Beaumont CG Rescue 115 (Shannon) Assets Tasked: CG R118, CG (Howth), DFB, NAS Outcome: Transfer cancelled. Units RTB. Sat 16 Sept Incident 73/17 Details: CG Boat located yacht aground at Malahide. Assets Tasked: CG Boat (Howth). Outcome: Yacht towed to safe water. No damage noted to casualty vessel. Ongoing Details: Missing Person reported in Malahide area. Assets Tasked: AGS (Malahide & Air Support), CG (Howth), CG (Skerries), CG Heli R116 (Dublin), Civil Defence (Dublin). Outcome: Detailed shoreline searches carried out at low tide. Search is ongoing. |
Mon 28 Aug
Event: Operational Readiness Assessment – Boat. Audit completed with Coast Guard Boat “Sean A. Dunne” and crew maintained on the CG operations centre tasking board.
Sat 2 Sept
Exercise: Portrane - Cliff Training Exercise based on scenario off walker falling off cliff path to rocks below. Boat exercise also conducted along the North Dublin coastline.
Thu 7 Sept – Sun 10 Sept
Incident 69/17
Details: Missing Person reported in Malahide area.
Assets Tasked: AGS (Malahide & Air Support), CG (Howth), CG (Skerries), CG Heli R116 (Dublin), Civil Defence (Dublin).
Outcome: Detailed shoreline searches carried out at low tide. Search is ongoing.
Fri 8 Sept
Incident 70/17
Details: Missing Person reported in Howth Area (unrelated to above incident).
Assets Tasked: AGS (Howth), CG (Howth), CG Heli R116 (Dublin)
Outcome: Person located by Gardai shortly after search began.
Sat 9 Sept
Incident 71/17
Details: Boat requesting assistance entrance to Dublin Port.
Outcome: Unit passing location assisted.
Event: Operational Readiness Assessment – Boat. Audit completed with Coast Guard Boat “Sean A. Dunne” and crew maintained on the CG operations centre tasking board.
Sat 2 Sept
Exercise: Portrane - Cliff Training Exercise based on scenario off walker falling off cliff path to rocks below. Boat exercise also conducted along the North Dublin coastline.
Thu 7 Sept – Sun 10 Sept
Incident 69/17
Details: Missing Person reported in Malahide area.
Assets Tasked: AGS (Malahide & Air Support), CG (Howth), CG (Skerries), CG Heli R116 (Dublin), Civil Defence (Dublin).
Outcome: Detailed shoreline searches carried out at low tide. Search is ongoing.
Fri 8 Sept
Incident 70/17
Details: Missing Person reported in Howth Area (unrelated to above incident).
Assets Tasked: AGS (Howth), CG (Howth), CG Heli R116 (Dublin)
Outcome: Person located by Gardai shortly after search began.
Sat 9 Sept
Incident 71/17
Details: Boat requesting assistance entrance to Dublin Port.
Outcome: Unit passing location assisted.
Mon 21 Aug Incident: 65/17 Details: Person needing assistance – Claremont Beach, Howth Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth) Outcome: Person assisted to shore. Wed 23 Aug Incident: 66/17 Details: Concern for person – Ireland’s Eye Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth) Outcome: False Alarm, Good Intent. Wed 23 Aug Exercise: Cliff Rescue Training – Red Rock, Sutton & Boat Exercise – Ireland’s Eye. Wed 23 Aug & Sat 26 Aug Exercise: VHF Course – 5 members. Sat 26 Aug Incident: 67/17 Details: Heli Landing – Beaumont CG Rescue 118 (Sligo) Assets Tasked: CG R118, CG (Howth), DFB, NAS Outcome: Site Cleared. Patient transferred to Ambulance. Sun 27 Aug Event: Safety promotion. Dublin Markets event in Smithfield. 4 members attended. Sun 27 Aug Incident: 68/17 Details: Child arrived at the station with a broken arm following a fall on the West Pier. Outcome: Treated by Coast Guard personnel until the arrival of an ambulance. Picture: - As observed yesterday in Howth. Car parked blocking exit of a Coast Guard emergency response vehicle. A delay in getting to a scene could cost lives. Please park sensibly. |
Wed 16 Aug
Incident: 64/17
Details: Person in the water – Malahide
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth), AGS (Malahide).
Outcome: Person assisted to shore by Gardai
Wed 16 Aug
Incident: 65/17
Details: Medical incident in Sutton attended to by unit returning from previous call.
Outcome: Patient transferred for further medical treatment
Sat/ Sun 19/20 Aug
Exercise: Power Boat Training for two members – Howth
Sat/ Sun 19/20 Aug
Exercise: Medical Training Part II. 5 members training in Clogherhead CG Station.
Incident: 64/17
Details: Person in the water – Malahide
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth), AGS (Malahide).
Outcome: Person assisted to shore by Gardai
Wed 16 Aug
Incident: 65/17
Details: Medical incident in Sutton attended to by unit returning from previous call.
Outcome: Patient transferred for further medical treatment
Sat/ Sun 19/20 Aug
Exercise: Power Boat Training for two members – Howth
Sat/ Sun 19/20 Aug
Exercise: Medical Training Part II. 5 members training in Clogherhead CG Station.
Sat 11 Aug Exercise: Cliff Rescue Training carried out based on scenario of cliff faller at nose of Howth. Sat 11 Aug Incident: 62/17 Details: Heli Landing – Beaumont CG Rescue 118 (Sligo) Assets Tasked: CG R118, CG (Howth), DFB, NAS Outcome: Site Cleared. Patient transferred to Ambulance. Sun 12 Aug Incident: 63/17 Details: Concern for Kayaker – Sutton Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth) Outcome: No assistance required. Sat/Sun 11/12 Aug Exercise: Boat Training Course. 2 members training as Boat Crew in Howth CG Station.. Exercise: Medical Training. 5 members training in Clogherhead CG Station. |
Wed 2 Aug 20:00 Exercise: Cliff Rescue scenario involving lowering a Paramedic and CG Rescue Climber to a casualty fallen off Balscaden cliffs. Life Jacket Testing and safety checks by Boat Crews. Thu 3 Aug 12:00 Event: Attendance at Coroners Court. Fri 4 Aug 22:00 Incident: 60/17 Details: Person in the water – Malahide Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth) Outcome: Person assisted to shore with help from Malahide Scouts. Sun 6 Aug 19:00 Incident: 61/17 Details: Heli Landing – Beaumont CG Rescue 118 (Sligo) Assets Tasked: CG R118, CG IRT (Howth), DFB, NAS Outcome: Site Cleared. Patient transferred to Ambulance. |
24 July
Incident: 56/17
Details: EPIRB Activation in North Dublin.
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth)
Outcome: Area investigated. False Alarm.
24 July
Incident: 57/17
Details: Report of children drifting out to Sea off Dollymount Beach on inflatable toy.
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI ILB (Dun Laoghaire)
Outcome: CG personnel very quickly on scene to find children returning safely to shore.
25 July
Incident: 58/17
Details: Heli Landing – Beaumont CG Rescue 118 (Sligo)
Assets Tasked: CG R118, CG IRT (Howth), DFB, NAS
Outcome: Site Cleared. Patient transferred to Ambulance.
25 July
Incident: 59/17
Details: Person in the Water, Howth Harbour
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth)
Outcome: Person recovered by member of the public. No further assistance required.
Incident: 56/17
Details: EPIRB Activation in North Dublin.
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth)
Outcome: Area investigated. False Alarm.
24 July
Incident: 57/17
Details: Report of children drifting out to Sea off Dollymount Beach on inflatable toy.
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI ILB (Dun Laoghaire)
Outcome: CG personnel very quickly on scene to find children returning safely to shore.
25 July
Incident: 58/17
Details: Heli Landing – Beaumont CG Rescue 118 (Sligo)
Assets Tasked: CG R118, CG IRT (Howth), DFB, NAS
Outcome: Site Cleared. Patient transferred to Ambulance.
25 July
Incident: 59/17
Details: Person in the Water, Howth Harbour
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth)
Outcome: Person recovered by member of the public. No further assistance required.
17 July
Event: Flare on Sutton Beach, recovered as children were playing nearby.
17 July
Incident: 55/17
Situation: Concern for swimmer at Claremont Beach.
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth), RNLI ILB, Fingal LG.
Outcome: Swimmer returned to shore.
17&18 July
Exercise: Trainee Boat Crew Training by Maritime SAR.
18 July
Event: Presentation by CG personnel to asylum seekers in Balseskin Reception Centre; this was to assist them with preparation for a day trip to Portmarnock Beach, some of whom had never been to beach/ sea before. The focus was on emergency contact numbers, Life Guard flags and general water safety.
18 July
Event: CG boat and crew to assist with Bray Air Show. Cancelled due to sea conditions.
19 July
Exercise: Presentation by Watergel on treatment of burns. Thanks to Watergel for the very informative hands on presentation.
21 July
Event: Presentation on water safety and role of Coast Guard to teenagers from Garda Diversion Project.
21-23 July
Event: CG units from Greystones and Howth provided boat cover and assisted with set up for Bray Air Show.
22 July
Exercise: Cliff Rescue Training at White water Brook. Scenario – Person stuck on cliff, walking casualty recovered.
Summer Safety Tip:
* Drink enough water to prevent thirst.
* For short-duration (less than 60 minutes), low-to-moderate-intensity activity, water is a good choice to drink before, during and after exercise.
* For long hikes, when you'll need food, dried fruit and nut mixtures contain high amounts of potassium, sodium, protein, carbs and calories — though continue to drink plenty of water.
8- July
Event: Emergency Services Open Day at Kilbarrack fire station. Coast Guard unit attended along with other emergency services. A demonstration of cliff rescue equipment was provided by the unit.
12- July
Exercise: Joint training exercise at Lion’s Head with Dublin Fire Brigade units from Kilbarrack and Phibsboro. Exercise involved a patient trapped under a rock, DFB released the casualty using rescue air bags and their paramedics led the medical care, Coast Guard recovered the casualty from the beach up a steep path to a waiting ambulance.
14- July to 16- July
Event: Rose Festival at St Anne’s Park, Raheny. CG units from Clogherhead, Greystones, Howth, Killaloe and HQ manned a stand area displaying Coast Guard equipment and promoting water safety awareness at the weekend event. Estimated attendance was 30,000.
15- July
Incident: 54/17
Situation: Concern for Kayakers at Sutton.
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth)
Outcome: Unit responded to Sutton.
Event: Emergency Services Open Day at Kilbarrack fire station. Coast Guard unit attended along with other emergency services. A demonstration of cliff rescue equipment was provided by the unit.
12- July
Exercise: Joint training exercise at Lion’s Head with Dublin Fire Brigade units from Kilbarrack and Phibsboro. Exercise involved a patient trapped under a rock, DFB released the casualty using rescue air bags and their paramedics led the medical care, Coast Guard recovered the casualty from the beach up a steep path to a waiting ambulance.
14- July to 16- July
Event: Rose Festival at St Anne’s Park, Raheny. CG units from Clogherhead, Greystones, Howth, Killaloe and HQ manned a stand area displaying Coast Guard equipment and promoting water safety awareness at the weekend event. Estimated attendance was 30,000.
15- July
Incident: 54/17
Situation: Concern for Kayakers at Sutton.
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth)
Outcome: Unit responded to Sutton.

Date 07/07/17
Situation: FV recovered inflatable raft in Irish Sea.
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth)
Outcome: Unit recovered the raft from the Fishing Vessel in Howth Harbour.
Incident: 53/17
Date 06/07/17
Situation: CG Rescue 118 Medical Transfer – Beaumont
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth), DFB, NAS
Outcome: Casualty transferred to NAS Ambulance.
Incident: 52/17
Date 04/07/17
Situation: Concern for Missing Person.
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth), AGS
Outcome: Person Located.
Local Incident Ref: 48/2017
Incident Date: 21/06/17 15:00
Situation: Missing Child, Portmarnock Beach
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth)
Outcome: Child Located.
Local Incident Ref: 49/2017
Incident Date: 23/06/17 02:00
Situation: Person in car on West Pier needing assistance
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth), AGS
Outcome: Person assisted by members of CG to safety.
Local Incident Ref: 50/2017
Incident Date: 23/06/17 20:00
Situation: Rescue 118 inbound to Beaumont from Castlebar
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth), Rescue 118, DFB, NAS
Outcome: Casualty transferred to ambulance.
Local Incident Ref: 51/2017
Incident Date: 24/06/17 14:00
Situation: Kite Surfer suffered serious injury close to Sutton Dingy Club.
Assets Tasked: Howth CGU, NAS
Outcome: CG assisted NAS crew with transfer to ambulance.
Incident Date: 21/06/17 15:00
Situation: Missing Child, Portmarnock Beach
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth)
Outcome: Child Located.
Local Incident Ref: 49/2017
Incident Date: 23/06/17 02:00
Situation: Person in car on West Pier needing assistance
Assets Tasked: CG (Howth), RNLI ILB (Howth), AGS
Outcome: Person assisted by members of CG to safety.
Local Incident Ref: 50/2017
Incident Date: 23/06/17 20:00
Situation: Rescue 118 inbound to Beaumont from Castlebar
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth), Rescue 118, DFB, NAS
Outcome: Casualty transferred to ambulance.
Local Incident Ref: 51/2017
Incident Date: 24/06/17 14:00
Situation: Kite Surfer suffered serious injury close to Sutton Dingy Club.
Assets Tasked: Howth CGU, NAS
Outcome: CG assisted NAS crew with transfer to ambulance.
Local Incident Ref: 44/2017
Incident Date: 17/06/17
Situation: Concern for craft operating close to shore
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth)
Local Incident Ref: 45/2017, 46/2017
Incident Date: 19/06/17
See post below
Local Incident Ref: 47/2017
Incident Date: 15/06/17
Situation: Concern for persons in Baldoyle Estuary
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth)
Incident Date: 17/06/17
Situation: Concern for craft operating close to shore
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth)
Local Incident Ref: 45/2017, 46/2017
Incident Date: 19/06/17
See post below
Local Incident Ref: 47/2017
Incident Date: 15/06/17
Situation: Concern for persons in Baldoyle Estuary
Assets Tasked: CG IRT (Howth)
This afternoon the Irish Coast Guard operations centre received a call reporting a dog trapped 15 foot down a cliff at Red Rock in Sutton. A Coast Guard response team from Howth station that were in the area responded.
They met with the owner at the top of the cliff and then lowered a climber down to the dog. The dog, Marley a 3 year old Golden Retriever, had slipped while near the cliff edge and had become trapped. The Coast Guard climber secured the dog and lowered him to the beach below where he was reunited with his relieved owner. A unit from Dublin Fire Brigade also attended.
Earlier this morning a member of the public reported that their dog had swam out to sea from the Bull Wall on Dollymount and wasn’t able to return. A unit of the Irish Coast Guard from Howth responded and along with a Dublin Port boat recovered the dog safely back to shore. Appreciation to the crew of Dublin Port boat for their assistance, the dog had swam out a considerable distance into the main shipping lane before the port boat was able to reach him.
On both incidents, the owners did the right thing in calling the Coast Guard right away and waiting for assistance rather than attempt a rescue themselves. Remember if you do see someone in trouble don’t delay call 112 right away. Your call could save a life.
They met with the owner at the top of the cliff and then lowered a climber down to the dog. The dog, Marley a 3 year old Golden Retriever, had slipped while near the cliff edge and had become trapped. The Coast Guard climber secured the dog and lowered him to the beach below where he was reunited with his relieved owner. A unit from Dublin Fire Brigade also attended.
Earlier this morning a member of the public reported that their dog had swam out to sea from the Bull Wall on Dollymount and wasn’t able to return. A unit of the Irish Coast Guard from Howth responded and along with a Dublin Port boat recovered the dog safely back to shore. Appreciation to the crew of Dublin Port boat for their assistance, the dog had swam out a considerable distance into the main shipping lane before the port boat was able to reach him.
On both incidents, the owners did the right thing in calling the Coast Guard right away and waiting for assistance rather than attempt a rescue themselves. Remember if you do see someone in trouble don’t delay call 112 right away. Your call could save a life.
Call 112 and Ask For Coast Guard
If you think somebody is in difficulty on the coast / cliff / beach / sea then dial 112 and ask for COAST GUARD.
Our team of 25 volunteers based at Howth Harbour provide 24/7 on-call coverage and have specialised training to respond to local coastal emergencies in their own locality.
Our team of 25 volunteers based at Howth Harbour provide 24/7 on-call coverage and have specialised training to respond to local coastal emergencies in their own locality.