On Friday night Howth Coast Guard were tasked to check a report of a flare sighted off Portmarnock strand. Volunteers locally responded and after a search with nothing to report the unit was stood down.
Incident 04/15
On Saturday morning Howth Coast Guard were tasked to Longwood in Co. Meath to conduct a sonar search of the River Boyne. Gardai and local Civil Defence were conducting a search for a missing person. The sonar response team left Howth at 06.30 and returned at 17.00.
This morning at 06.45 the team responded again and in conjunction with Killaloe Coast Guard unit who responded with their ROV the units conducted a search of the river. The teams were stood down at 13.00 with nothing to report. Gardai and Civil Defence are continuing their investigations.
Incident 05/15