Incident 24/18
Details: Person on Beach needing medical assistance.
Location: Portmarnock Beach
Assets Tasked: CGU IRT (Howth), DFB
Outcome: Casualty transferred via CG Jeep to DFB ambulance.
Sat Apr 28
Incident 23/18
Details: Missing Person
Location: Malahide
Assets Tasked: CGU (Howth), AGS
Outcome: Person located during search.
Wed Apr 25
Incident 22/18
Details: Flashing Lights – Possible distress signal.
Location: Ireland’s Eye
Assets Tasked: CGU IRT (Howth)
Outcome: False Alarm Good Intentions.
Sat Apr 21
Incident 21/18
Details: Boat requiring assistance
Location: Near Bailey LIghthouse
Assets Tasked: CG Boat (Howth)
Outcome: Boat and crew towed to safety.
Fri Apr 20
Incident 20/18
Details: Boat requiring securing.
Location: Portmarnock
Assets Tasked: CGU IRT (Howth)