Landing at Beaumont. Site cleared and casualty transferred to NAS amublance.
Att: CG (HW IRT, R116), NAS, DFB (Kilbarrack)
#22/19 - 5th May
Person Needing Assistance Howth Cliffs.
Att: CG (HW, R116), RNLI (HW ILB), Gardai
#23/19 - 7th May
Landing at Beaumont. Site cleared and casualty transferred to NAS amublance.
Att: CG (HW IRT, R116), NAS, DFB (Kilbarrack)
#24/19 - 9th May
Malahide - Concern for persons near water. False Alarm Good Intent.
Att. CG (HW IRT)
#25/19 - 19th May
Bull Wall. Person in Water. Person Recovered to Ambulance.
Att: CG (HW), RNLI (DL ILB), DFB (Nth Strand), Gardai